Yiran + Yalun
Studio is an architecture, art and design studio based in New York, led by Yiran Zhang and Yalun Li.
We drive our imagination into the atmosphere, materiality, and narrative of spaces. Our works strive to capture the enigmatic beauty and complexity imbued in everyday life, across personal memories and collective histories. As an interdisciplinary practice, our scope of work covers spaces, reuse, installations, furnitures, and prints.
咿呀工作室是一个建筑、艺术与设计工作室,由张一然和李雅伦在纽约发起。我们致力于将想象力渗入空间的氛围、材料、以及叙事当中, 从而展现生活的神秘与诗意。作为一个跨学科实践小组,我们的作品包括了空间、改造、装置、家具、以及印刷品等等媒介。
︎︎︎ email: info@y-y.studio
︎︎︎ instagram:
︎︎︎ tel: +1 617 417 0415
Yiran Zhang holds a Master of Architecture I degree from Harvard Graduate School of Design, and a Bachelor of Science in Architecture degree from Washington University in St. Louis, with a Minor in Art. Yiran has also spent two years in Zürich studying at ETH Zürich and working.
Yalun Li holds a Master of Architecture II degree from Harvard Graduate School of Design, and a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Syracuse University. Yalun is also the founder of Dunes Workshop, a writing platform on architecture and urbanism. See DunesWorkshop.