An Amusement Park for Marcel Marceau in Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Turtius
Printed illustrations, 24 sheets, 350g matte paper
This work contains 23 individual illustrations. Each represents a ride in the amusement park of a fictional world. According to poetic needs, these rides convoked and dissolved in a moment and continued to proliferate.
The protagonist (2) Marcel Marceau is a famous French mime actor who created his stage persona with a painted white face and a battered opera hat. His silent satire implicates the melancholy and self-mockery of every modern man. Borges' meta-fiction (3) “Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” narrates the intrusion and overturn of reality by an imaginary planet of unconventional ideology written in an encyclopedia. (1) An amusement park is a recreational destination composed of architectural spectacles and amusement rides, a metaphor of unlimited entertainment to escape the mundane everyday life.