Art Installation
Zhoushan. 2023
Hello Zhoushan Art Installation Competition, Nominated
Zhoushan. 2023
Hello Zhoushan Art Installation Competition, Nominated
a project in Collaboration with Yiyao Tang.

01 Green Re-greened
Shengshan Island - Deserted Village
In “Attunement: Form in Motion,” Anna Tsing accentuates the intricate entanglement and symbiotic relationship between human and the more-than-human. She provokes a profound query, pondering, “The Anthropocene collates projects of erasure, and we forget that we need companions. What might it take to bring us back into remembrance?”
As human traces fade amidst the wilderness, the terrain that once bore witness to human habitation succumbs to a gradual, inexorable reclamation by nature. The passage of time erodes the village’s original name, rendering it an enigmatic and desolate village on the island’s periphery. Overgrown with ivy and vines, the abandoned stone edifices, staircases, and railings erase the vestiges of human presence, thereby giving rise to an evocative landscape evoking an aesthetic of ruins. Hypothetically, were humans to recolonize these stone houses, the symbiotic tendrils of ivy and vines would be uprooted, stripped, and burned. Nevertheless, the enigmatic question lingers: who, in truth, claims custodianship over this land?
Intriguingly, Green Re-greened invites individuals to reexamine and introspect the world constructed with human-centric eyes, through the lens of symbiotic coexistence.
By virtue of these form transformations, Green Re-greened evokes the imagery of temporal passage and nature reclamation. The intricate interplay of artificial constructs and the organic milieu unveils the intricacies of the Anthropocene. In this abandoned village, traces of human presence intertwine with the topographic and ecological trajectory of the region. Thus, the lifted surfaces and the growth of plants embodied by the installation serve as a metaphor for the dialectical
interplay between human agency and natural evolution. Consequently, human activities engender transformations in the physiognomy of the land, while the forces of nature remain ceaselessly engaged in reconstruction and resurgence.
青苍 · 嵊山岛无人村

02 Earth Unearthed
Gouqi Island - Sunset Beach
Earth Unearthed proposes an action - lifting. By slicing and lifting the surface of Sunset Beach, this project is establishing both an erection and an excavation.
With its history of fishing, production, and residing, Gouqi island seamlessly merges human habitation and natural history, through long resistance against natural forces such as Typhoons and tides. Roads, seawalls, power stations... we developed infrastructure to extend the inhabitable area on land: even off-land by "farming" grids of mussels in the near ocean. The surface of civilization often conceals the natural and geographical memory beneath - that said, perhaps the “primitive” has always coexisted on the underside of “civilization”. What happens when we peel this surface off?
Our proposal faces the ocean, peeling off from the cliff diagonally. The lifted new ground steps up in stairs, curving inward to form an amphitheater, a public ground where people could linger and gather. Towards its back, latex rubbings sampled from the rocky surfaces of Gouqi Island’s coastline, hang below the lifted structure. Underneath it, the undulating topography of the beach is further manipulated to offer a playful, explorable, restful sand-scape.
In “Sculpture in the Expanded Field” by Rosalind E. Krauss, she explains how the terms “Architecture,” “Landscape” and their negation form a square where possibilities of sculpture could be exhausted. As a sculpture without a pedestal, a “marked site” without memorial significance, Earth Unearthedinhabits the quadrant of “Landscape and not-Landscape”.
In another sense, the latex surfaces are a rubbing of the natural landscape, and the artificial sand-scape is an abstraction of topography: both speak for nature, yet remain a reflection of some reality elsewhere. This new site is not referring precisely to any existing site (non-documentary), nor reflecting a historical site (non-memorial) - it is a fictional site, a territory not yet marked on the map, unearthed with a fresh scent of salted, moist soil. At dusk, through the spotted skin, you see rusted sunlight, the night falling, and memories of the land unroll from the time behind to the time ahead.
赤地 · 枸杞岛日落沙滩
罗莎琳·克劳斯(Rosalind E.Krauss)在《扩展场域的雕塑》一文中,展示了如何以“建筑”和“景观”及其反义词所界定的四种象限去穷尽雕塑可能的所有状态。作为一个没有基座的雕塑,一个没有纪念意义的标记场地, “赤地”极有可能在“景观”且“非景观”的象限里展开。
换句话说,乳胶面是自然景观的拓印,人造地景则是对地形起伏的抽象表达:两者皆旨在自然,却停留在一种对他处真实的映照。这一层新的大地,既不是借指现有的(非纪实)、也不是回溯历史的(非纪念)——而是一种科幻的场地。地图上尚未被记录的领地,直到被我们翻起时才露出咸腥、潮湿的土壤。 黄昏,透过斑驳皮肤你看见绣红色的太阳余晖,夜幕在下沉,大地的记忆从你以前到你身后,蔓延。

03 Rock on Rock
Gouqi Island - Sunset Beach
Earth Unearthed proposes an action - lifting.
Somewhat destructive, somewhat preservative, a waterfall of dark rocks rushes down through the village, into the ruins, and towards the ocean. This penetrating force of gravity reinvestigates the stone artifacts.
The word “Ruin”, from Latin Ruere, meaning to fall, has thus always been associated with falling stones. This interconnectedness between rocks and ruins inspires the imagination of the passage of time.
On Dongfushan island, rocks and stones compose the entire environment, from the rocky landscape to walls, wells, stairs, and all aspects of life. From the 1950s to the 1970s, villagers constructed houses with gravel and later stone bricks made on-site, building unique stone houses. Due to the immense weight of the stones, these houses were a collective effort of the entire community and carry with them precious memories. Yet, fast-paced urban development had rendered the village obsolete, and as the islanders moved out, the stone houses were left unattended. The project creates a new layer between natural and man-made, between the raw boulders and the processed stone bricks. The selection of similar-sized dark rocks cascades through the village, taking over the ruins, and incorporating them into a new story.
Here, again, these tamed natural rocks are left untamed, flowing free within the site and waiting to be regained by nature.
Rock on Rock occupies the quadrant of “Landscape and Architecture”, reminiscing the past and tracing the origin of our built environment. In early prehistoric times, rocks and stones are often placed in geometric shapes to mark sites. The intentional placement of rocks can be understood as the first gesture of architecture.
This procession of rocks offers an opportunity for people to simply observe the natural landscape and the traces of memory in the old village, simultaneously experiencing interwoven layers of natural and human history. This installation invites people to connect with the ancient past and reflect on the evolution of human interactions with nature over time. The imminent experience of wandering through the rocks allows people to attain a transcendent understanding of the past and future.
重山 · 东福山岛石屋群

Ocean to Ocean proposes an artifact of “ocean”, amongst ocean.
Different from continental civilization, islanders believe in the ocean. The fog and wind on the ocean rule the fisherman’s harvest, while Mazu goddess blesses the sailors... their cooking, building, and entire living have long endured the raw environment full of drastic changes.
The ocean bears, receives, gives, and at times destroys. Knowledge, technology, and intelligence accumulated through seasons are now seamlessly assimilated into the village. Beyond documenting and celebrating the wisdom, forms, and symbols, can we bring back more identity to the island and its people?
The intelligence of the ancient perhaps offers tender answers to the question of "artifact against nature." The Chinese fishing net (Zeng) is a delicate fishing system that maximizes man-force while dealing with the ocean. Around 10 meters high, a cantilevering structure suspends a net over the sea, balancing it with counterweight rocks hanging from ropes at the other end. Since an individual net cannot be continually operated in tidal waters due to its limited operating depth, different installations are deployed depending on the state of the tide.
Borrowing the ancient wisdom of the fishermen, an interactive tensile system of suspended mesh curtains and rock counterweights forms everchanging curves that reproduce the oceanic waves.
Across the 90 meters pier on Chaishan Island, a metal-framed corridor suspends a series of mesh canopies, controlled by a tensile system counterbalanced by rocks resting on the ground. Mist spray heads are installed among the metal frames, transforming the ocean water into an immersive fog that envelops the pier. As visitors walk along the corridor, the cooling mist from the ocean gently caresses them.
Ocean to Ocean responds to both the form of oceanic tidal changes and the delicacy of raw-made artifice. People are encouraged to move the rocks around and pull the cables, bringing changes to the mesh space. Undulating, unceased... through interaction, collaboration, and consensus, the installation engages the public as communities and collectives, with the poetic language of the ocean.
复海 · 柴山岛滨海步道
在柴山岛约90米长的堤坝上,金属支架连廊挂起一连串的网纱吊棚,通过吊绳系统,被地面上的石块牵拉联动。 金属支架上装有喷雾装置,当游客在连廊中漫步时,可以感受到凉爽水雾带着大海的气息拂过。
“复海” 既回应了海洋潮汐变化的形态,也回应了一种粗野造物的精密性。人们可以搬动石块、拉动绳索,来改变网纱空间的形状。在互动中,装置不断地起伏、变换...,在合作和协同中,公众通过艺术装置逐渐融入社区和集体。这是属于海洋的,诗意的语言。
Different from continental civilization, islanders believe in the ocean. The fog and wind on the ocean rule the fisherman’s harvest, while Mazu goddess blesses the sailors... their cooking, building, and entire living have long endured the raw environment full of drastic changes.
The ocean bears, receives, gives, and at times destroys. Knowledge, technology, and intelligence accumulated through seasons are now seamlessly assimilated into the village. Beyond documenting and celebrating the wisdom, forms, and symbols, can we bring back more identity to the island and its people?
The intelligence of the ancient perhaps offers tender answers to the question of "artifact against nature." The Chinese fishing net (Zeng) is a delicate fishing system that maximizes man-force while dealing with the ocean. Around 10 meters high, a cantilevering structure suspends a net over the sea, balancing it with counterweight rocks hanging from ropes at the other end. Since an individual net cannot be continually operated in tidal waters due to its limited operating depth, different installations are deployed depending on the state of the tide.
Borrowing the ancient wisdom of the fishermen, an interactive tensile system of suspended mesh curtains and rock counterweights forms everchanging curves that reproduce the oceanic waves.
Across the 90 meters pier on Chaishan Island, a metal-framed corridor suspends a series of mesh canopies, controlled by a tensile system counterbalanced by rocks resting on the ground. Mist spray heads are installed among the metal frames, transforming the ocean water into an immersive fog that envelops the pier. As visitors walk along the corridor, the cooling mist from the ocean gently caresses them.
Ocean to Ocean responds to both the form of oceanic tidal changes and the delicacy of raw-made artifice. People are encouraged to move the rocks around and pull the cables, bringing changes to the mesh space. Undulating, unceased... through interaction, collaboration, and consensus, the installation engages the public as communities and collectives, with the poetic language of the ocean.
复海 · 柴山岛滨海步道
在柴山岛约90米长的堤坝上,金属支架连廊挂起一连串的网纱吊棚,通过吊绳系统,被地面上的石块牵拉联动。 金属支架上装有喷雾装置,当游客在连廊中漫步时,可以感受到凉爽水雾带着大海的气息拂过。
“复海” 既回应了海洋潮汐变化的形态,也回应了一种粗野造物的精密性。人们可以搬动石块、拉动绳索,来改变网纱空间的形状。在互动中,装置不断地起伏、变换...,在合作和协同中,公众通过艺术装置逐渐融入社区和集体。这是属于海洋的,诗意的语言。